Category: FAQ

Keeping Things Light In Your Design

keeping things light houston tx

One of the areas in which families are moving in their interior design is toward a lighter, more open feeling in their home. This shows up in a number of ways: increasing the amount of natural light, slimming down the size of furniture, and even expanding the floorplan through removing unnecessary walls. The latter can… Read more »

Differences Between Designers And Architects

Interior designer's working table, an architectural plan of the house, a color palette, furniture and fabric samples in blue color. Drawings and plans for house decoration.

When beginning your home remodel or redesign, you may have a few questions or concerns that circle your mind. For starters, who exactly is needed to complete such a project? For example, when considering storage, layout, and everything else in-between, does the jurisdiction really fall under a single individual, or are there multiple actors involved… Read more »

Steps To Initiate The Redesign Process

building permit

So, you have made up your mind to begin the redesign process for one or more rooms in your home. Perhaps you have a major vision you wish to bring to life, or maybe you are at the stage where you have a minor concept, design, or feeling you are wishing to convey. You recognize… Read more »

Answering Common Questions About Design

FAQ ( frequently asked questions ) text on notebook with many light bulbs

Nothing is more satisfying than seeing your vision for a remodel come to life right before your very eyes. Indeed, being able to communicate ideas and thoughts in a way that is easily understood goes a long way when working with a team. While you may have an idea about specific aspects, however, there might… Read more »